Valle del Simeto
Originally uploaded by gutter.
Ieri ho passato una bella giornata con degli amici. Siamo stati al "Casale del Simeto". Il posto non era niente male, siamo stati in giro a fare un'escursione e a parte l'allergia devo dire che mi sono divertito molto.
Post qui e nei successivi post qualche scatto ( il resto l'ho messo su flickr ).
Per concludere la serata sono andato a vedere i Blasco Small Combo una rockabilly band.
Devo dire che sono veramente bravi e che riescono a metterti di buon umore con le loro sonorità.
Una descrizione più dettagliata la trovate qui . Thanks to rossyrap ;)
The real test of whether Sun were serious about ZFS being anywhere but Solaris is what they do to license it - they've patented everything they can, and made the code available only under licenses incompatible with other OS products. Their intent is quite clear, and quite sad. Compare it to what the old Sun company did with NFS, which is now a standard used everywhere.
Currently ZFS is only compiled as kernel module and is only available
for i386 architecture. Amd64 should be available very soon, the other
archs will come later, as we implement needed atomic operations.
Missing functionality.
- We don't have iSCSI target daemon in the tree, so sharing ZVOLs via
iSCSI is also not supported at this point. This should be fixed in
the future, we may also add support for sharing ZVOLs over ggate.
- There is no support for ACLs and extended attributes.
- There is no support for booting off of ZFS file system.
Other than that, ZFS should be fully-functional
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