function xecho() {
echo "$1" | osd_cat --font="-adobe-helvetica-bold-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" --shadow=2 --pos=top --align=center --colour=yellow --delay=2
function send_command_to_mpd () {
echo $1 | nc -q1 $MPD_URL $MPD_PORT
function get_current_song() {
filename=`send_command_to_mpd currentsong | grep "file: " | sed -e 's/file: //'`
artist=`send_command_to_mpd currentsong | grep "Artist: " | sed -e 's/Artist: //'`
title=`send_command_to_mpd currentsong | grep "Title: " | sed -e 's/Title: //'`
if [ "$artist-$title" == "-" ] ; then
echo $filename
echo "$artist -- $title"
function mpd_status () {
status=`send_command_to_mpd status | grep "state:" | sed -e 's/state: //'`
case $status in
play ) echo play ;;
pause ) echo pause ;;
stop ) echo stop ;;
* ) echo unknown ;;
case "$1" in
play_pause )
case `mpd_status` in
play ) send_command_to_mpd pause && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
pause ) send_command_to_mpd play && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
stop ) send_command_to_mpd play && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
esac ;;
stop ) send_command_to_mpd stop && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
next ) send_command_to_mpd next && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
previous ) send_command_to_mpd previous && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
* ) exit 1;;
exit 0
gutter@giskard ~/.asus_acpi/events $ for list in `ls mpd*`
> do echo Filename: $list
> cat $list | grep -v \# | grep -v -e "^$"
> done
Filename: mpd_next
action=~/.asus_acpi/mpd.sh next
Filename: mpd_play_pause
action=~/.asus_acpi/mpd.sh play_pause
Filename: mpd_previuos
action=~/.asus_acpi/mpd.sh previous
Filename: mpd_stop
action=~/.asus_acpi/mpd.sh stop
McCoy: Non vedo punte sulle tue orecchie, ragazzo, ma tu parli come un Vulcaniano.
Data: No, signore. Io sono un androide.
McCoy: Beh, siamo li'...
-- "Incontro a Farpoint" (TNG), data astrale 41153.7"
function xecho() {
echo "$1" | osd_cat --font="-adobe-helvetica-bold-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" --shadow=2 --pos=top --align=center --colour=yellow --delay=2
function send_command_to_mpd () {
echo $1 | nc -q1 $MPD_URL $MPD_PORT
function get_current_song() {
filename=`send_command_to_mpd currentsong | grep "file: " | sed -e 's/file: //'`
artist=`send_command_to_mpd currentsong | grep "Artist: " | sed -e 's/Artist: //'`
title=`send_command_to_mpd currentsong | grep "Title: " | sed -e 's/Title: //'`
if [ "$artist-$title" == "-" ] ; then
echo $filename
echo "$artist -- $title"
function mpd_status () {
status=`send_command_to_mpd status`
play_or_pause=`echo $status | sed -e 's/.*state: //' -e 's/ song:.*//'`
case $play_or_pause in
play ) echo play ;;
pause ) echo pause ;;
stop ) echo stop ;;
* ) echo unknown ;;
case "$1" in
play_pause )
case `mpd_status` in
play ) send_command_to_mpd pause && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
pause ) send_command_to_mpd play && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
stop ) send_command_to_mpd play && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
esac ;;
stop ) send_command_to_mpd stop && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
next ) send_command_to_mpd next && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
previous ) send_command_to_mpd previous && xecho "`get_current_song`" ;;
* ) exit 1;;
exit 0
A comment on schedules:
Ok, how long will it take?
For each manager involved in initial meetings add one month.
For each manager who says "data flow analysis" add another month.
For each unique end-user type add one month.
For each unknown software package to be employed add two months.
For each unknown hardware device add two months.
For each 100 miles between developer and installation add one month.
For each type of communication channel add one month.
If an IBM mainframe shop is involved and you are working on a non-IBM
system add 6 months.
If an IBM mainframe shop is involved and you are working on an IBM
system add 9 months.
Round up to the nearest half-year.
--Brad Sherman
By the way, ALL software projects are done by iterative prototyping.
Some companies call their prototypes "releases", that's all.